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FUELFURNACESMFG 61e914de312b260001378f2d Products
about Fuel Furnaces Manufacturers

about our organization

The Small Scale Industrial Establishment, M/s. FUEL FURNACES MANUFACTURERS, very frequently called as FFM, was founded in the Year 1972 with its manufacturing set-up at Baroda Co-Operative Industrial Estate, Chhani Road in this industrially developed city of Vadodara (Baroda). The unit came into existence as a continuance and further development of industrial FURNACE MAKING ACTIVITY FROM ITS PREDECESSORS M/s. Pioneer Equipment Co. Pvt.Ltd., who had been for many years in the services of industries. FFM, with its fairly good standing in the field for nearly 3- decades now, had very many opportunities of making a variety of furnaces for industrial melting applications. It has been making these furnaces to the internationally renowned ‘SKLENAR’ and ‘MORGAN’ designs from U.K. While the standard range of furnaces include Reverberatory type, Crucible type, Rotary type, fuel fired and Electric Resistance heated Stationary or Mechanical & Hydraulic Tiling type; FFM having a good team of engineers from different disciplines, is offering and fulfilling tailor-made equipment requirements too. This offers a wide range of scopes for any client to meticulously select the facility of their choice amongst the ferrous and non-ferrous melting furnaces. The company has so far successfully supplied & commissioned a few hundred furnaces in India and overseas as well, the smallest being 8Kgs. Aluminium capacity & the largest 20,000Kgs. Aluminium capacity. During 1984 to 1987, the company got unique opportunity of fabricating the specialized plant & machinery for 100 TPD minicements project & successfully commissioned the same. It included fabrication of robust equipment such as Vertical Kiln Nodulizer, Ball mill, Rod mill etc. Further activities of the company include design & manufacturing of Fume Extraction Systems, Recuperators, Furnace Charging Equipment, Ingot Casting Machines, Molten Metal Handling Systems, Moulding Machines, Sampling Equipment and a few specialized Equipments. Committed to keep pace with technological advances & serve the industries most satisfactorily, FFM expended its operation from a premises of 10000 Sq.ft. to a newly constructed premises of 30000Sq.ft. beginning of New Millennium. It is housing adequately covered fabrication shed & full-fledged machine shop including the design and drawing office. The company is proud of taking further strides from its New launching pad & meet the emerging Global needs of the industry, having already executed satisfactorily a few export assignments to the renowned MORGAN MOLTEN METAL SYSTEM designs from UK. As the additional feathers in cap, FFM is now licensed by M/s. STOTEK DANMARK ApS. (Denmark ) to manufacture their well – known Shaft Melters and Dosing Furnaces and M/s. A-1 ROPER to manufacture their unique design Ladles.

    about Fuel Furnaces Manufacturers

    The Small Scale Industrial Establishment, M/s. FUEL FURNACES MANUFACTURERS, very frequently called as FFM, was founded in the Year 1972 with its manufacturing set-up at Baroda Co-Operative Industrial Estate, Chhani Road in this industrially developed city of Vadodara (Baroda). The unit came into existence as a continuance and further development of industrial FURNACE MAKING ACTIVITY FROM ITS PREDECESSORS M/s. Pioneer Equipment Co. Pvt.Ltd., who had been for many years in the services of industries. FFM, with its fairly good standing in the field for nearly 3- decades now, had very many opportunities of making a variety of furnaces for industrial melting applications. It has been making these furnaces to the internationally renowned ‘SKLENAR’ and ‘MORGAN’ designs from U.K. While the standard range of furnaces include Reverberatory type, Crucible type, Rotary type, fuel fired and Electric Resistance heated Stationary or Mechanical & Hydraulic Tiling type; FFM having a good team of engineers from different disciplines, is offering and fulfilling tailor-made equipment requirements too. This offers a wide range of scopes for any client to meticulously select the facility of their choice amongst the ferrous and non-ferrous melting furnaces. The company has so far successfully supplied & commissioned a few hundred furnaces in India and overseas as well, the smallest being 8Kgs. Aluminium capacity & the largest 20,000Kgs. Aluminium capacity. During 1984 to 1987, the company got unique opportunity of fabricating the specialized plant & machinery for 100 TPD minicements project & successfully commissioned the same. It included fabrication of robust equipment such as Vertical Kiln Nodulizer, Ball mill, Rod mill etc. Further activities of the company include design & manufacturing of Fume Extraction Systems, Recuperators, Furnace Charging Equipment, Ingot Casting Machines, Molten Metal Handling Systems, Moulding Machines, Sampling Equipment and a few specialized Equipments. Committed to keep pace with technological advances & serve the industries most satisfactorily, FFM expended its operation from a premises of 10000 Sq.ft. to a newly constructed premises of 30000Sq.ft. beginning of New Millennium. It is housing adequately covered fabrication shed & full-fledged machine shop including the design and drawing office. The company is proud of taking further strides from its New launching pad & meet the emerging Global needs of the industry, having already executed satisfactorily a few export assignments to the renowned MORGAN MOLTEN METAL SYSTEM designs from UK. As the additional feathers in cap, FFM is now licensed by M/s. STOTEK DANMARK ApS. (Denmark ) to manufacture their well – known Shaft Melters and Dosing Furnaces and M/s. A-1 ROPER to manufacture their unique design Ladles.

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